Whoa. How did THAT happen?
It's been so long since I was bored,
that I felt the sensation
and could not give it a name...
My parents get home tomorrow from the British Virgin Islands.
I'm not gonna lie: it's been GREAT to have them gone.
I get up when I want, I get home when I want, I eat what I want, I do what I want.
(see how selfish I am? How do I have friends? I mean REALLY...)
But alas. Tonight is the last night of such freedom.
After that, my car turns into a squash after midnight.
(Why a squash at midnight? Midnight is my curfew [BOOOOO!]. As for the squash, I'm pretty sure pumpkins are over-done for real. AND I really for truly love words that start with 'squ': squash. squid. squish. squelch. HA! its spectacular. This is why I named one of my frogs Squiggles.)
Today is the last day of my media fast. Right about now, I'm dying for facebook. It's been 21 days since I've been on. This is for real the hardest day. I'm done at midnight. I'm bored. IT'S RIDICULOUSLY TEMPTING to end it early.
God has been moving so much in my life right now. It's really crazy. We have the best arguments ever.
PS - I ALWAYS lose.
I'm in the weirdest spot.
I'm in this strange period of waiting. Waiting for my parents to get home. Waiting for this dumb memoir class to be over [I've never met a writing class I didn't like. Until now.]. Waiting for school to start. Waiting for vacation. Waiting for my book to be 'discovered' and published. Waiting for amazing words to come pouring out of me so I can really get going on book 2. Waiting for tonight. Waiting for my parents to FINALLY realize I don't need a curfew. Always, ALWAYS waiting for Sunday and Wednesday. Waiting for the next Bible study, the next revelation. Waiting for the next text message. Waiting to see my friends. Waiting to be married. Waiting to move out. Waiting, waiting, WAITING. My list goes on and on.
I can't help but yell at God sometimes. I like green lights.
Green = go.
Go = action.
Action = adventure.
Adventure = yay (because I like adventures).
I don't like waiting.
Last night at the Esther study, session 5 was all about this waiting business. I'm not gonna lie: at first, I was a little OFFENDED.
"Jesus! Why are we talking about this AGAIN?? I'm so sick of discussing this! I already know I lost the arguments. I already know it's not time - I'M NOT READY. Blah, blah, blah. I'm really just DONE with this maddening subject."
And then He oh-so-gently reminded me:
"Sweetheart, you asked Me to teach you HOW to wait."
"oh yeah..." (I'm telling you, I haven't the foggiest why He puts up with me... I'm not even nice half the time)
Session 5 is now officially my favorite lesson.
I blogged a little about it last night when I got home. Amazing, isn't it? I have read that verse so many times, and I never understood it that way. I love that scripture is God-breathed and alive.
The last point definitely hit me the hardest. God never calls us to inactivity, you see. When He calls us to wait, the meantime is God-time. (again with the mind being blown)
He has definitely been trying to tell me this, and I have definitely been obnoxiously, unswervingly impatient anyway. Sometimes I do ok. Like when life is exciting and I'm having lots of fun.
It's when I wake up from a beautiful dream about my life 5 or 10 years from now. It's when I see what I want. It's when people tell me they see great things for me - in my future. It's when I'm bored at my grandparents house. It's when MY DREAMS are becoming SOMEONE ELSE'S REALITY. It's when I realize I'm stuck here in the same stupid place, fighting the same stupid sin for the billionth time. It's when my parents don't approve because they don't see how in the world 'it's going to work' [PSH. I DON'T EITHER. Good thing *I'm* not in charge...]. It's when I sit with my pen in my hand - or microsoft word open - and nothing comes out.
Then it gets to me.
I scream a lot when I pray and drive. I can yell as loud as I want when there's no one else in the car. I think this could be because I prefer to pray on my face, and since I can't get to the ground, I compensate by making lots of noise? Sometimes when I ride with people, I just get talking and talking because it's been so long since I've had another human being in a vehicle with me. Other times I forget how to speak because it's been so long since I've had another human being in a vehicle with me. I spend a lot of time alone, you see.
I find myself praying certain things over and over. "Here I am, God! SEND ME!!" [Isaiah 6:8] "Make me a person simple and plain, Lord. Make me reverently responsive to what You say" [Isaiah 66:2, the msg] "Scoop 'me' out, Jesus. Fill this life and body up with YOU!"
I just re-discovered Psalm 33:20-22 [the msg]
"We're depending on God;
he's everything we need.
What's more, our hearts brim with joy
since we've taken for our own his holy name.
Love us, God, with all you've got -
that's what we're depending on."
God is teaching me
(I'm learning slowly but surely)
that waiting is an adventure.