Sunday, November 23, 2008

That Face

I gasped when I saw you.

You! That face! I've seen you. In my dreams. Pieces of moments from your life flashed through my brain. If you were real, were all those memories real? Memories that were leftover images from my sleep.

I gasped when I saw you. And then I felt dirty.

All those nights - weeks and weeks of them! I had somehow been spying on you in my sleep. All those personal conversations I had sat in on. All those moments of weakness I had witnessed. I was an intruder. You couldn't possibly know me.

I gasped when Isaw you. And then I felt dirty. I opened my mouth and then closed it, like a fish.

What could I say? 'Hi, I know everything'? I knew your name, knew your family, knew your friends, knew your room, knew your life. But I didn't mean to! They were only dreams!

I gasped when I saw you. And then I felt dirty. I opened my mouth and then closed it, like a fish. I settled on a shy smile - maybe you would walk away?


Mr. Applebox said...

whoever that is should be creeped out

Aila said...

hahaha this is from those weird 'landon dreams' i was having. this is also homework for my poery class [prose] and i wrote of how i thought i would respond if i actually saw landon in real life.