Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nasty Little Voice

There is a
nasty little voice
inside my head
that whispers
"Watch your step,
or he'll be gone!"

it doesn't just whisper, it
that I'm not worth it,
we won't make it,
you'll get bored.

It takes a hold of me,
and pours in:
"See her? She's better than you."
"Remember when you said/
did that? STUPID!"
"He'll be angry when you
tell him about that."
"You always mess up. And
You'll screw this up too."
Round and round.
Louder and louder.
Until I can't take it anymore.

I demand for
and quake in the
absence of voices.

With shaking hands,
I reach for truth,
and uncover a
that allows LIFE.

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